Integrating C++ and Julia



  • Introduce examples of utilizing resources of C++ and Julia mutually
  • Several examples have been created
  • We welcome the participation of those who are knowledgeable in C++


  • Julia allows for writing fast and flexible programs
    • It can eliminate the need to “write a prototype in Python and later reimplement it in C++” (solving the two-language problem)
    • Enables quick creation of high-speed implementations
  • On the other hand, since Julia is a newer language, there are features available in other languages that are not yet in Julia.
    • Want to use well-known libraries from Julia
    • In the context of C++, Eigen and OpenCV are typical examples
    • If possible, want to use Julia from C/C++

Past Libraries

Many libraries have been created in the past but are no longer functional or maintained.

It’s inevitable since they are community-based developments…

Libraries Working Locally (1)

Libraries that are working on my local machine (Linux/macOS) as of 2024

  • Clemapfel/jluna
    • Provides functionality that wraps Julia’s C-API with modern C++ features

It uses C++20 features extensively and aims to support the newest Julia version, rather than focusing on backwards compatibility.

Libraries Working Locally (2)

Libraries that are working on my local machine (Linux/macOS) as of 2024

This is what we will discuss today

Applications Using CxxWrap.jl

Introduction to CxxWrap.jl from here

  • Teaching materials:
      • Created for studying CMake

Items Needed

  • A compiler that supports C++17 (required by CxxWrap.jl)
  • Julia (using v1.10 in this case)
  • C++ code
    • A reasonably functioning C++ project and environment that can be built
    • Docker is convenient
  • A human
    • Ability to create MWE (Minimal Working Examples) for the functions you want to use
    • Ability to handle shell scripts, Make, CMake
      • bash, make, cmake
    • A resilient spirit against segmentation faults (core dumped)
      • very important

Installing CxxWrap.jl

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("CxxWrap")
  • Allows the use of spells (macros) to use C++ features from Julia
  • Can use the pre-built


  • Prepare the C++ code
  • Prepare the code to connect C++ and Julia
  • Build
  • Set up on the Julia side
  • Test
    • Check if the input/output results are consistent between C++ and Julia

C++ Code

A function that returns the received string as is


std::string greet(std::string msg)
   return msg;

For Those Who Want to Use It Immediately

git clone
cd cmake-playground/cxxwrap1
docker build -t cxxwrap1 .
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/work -w /work cxxwrap1 bash -c 'bash && julia callcxx.jl'

If you see logs like the following, it’s OK

<Various build logs flow>
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
greet         |    1      1  0.0s

Wrapping the greet Function

Prepare the following C++ code

// hello.cpp
#include <string>

#include "jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp"

std::string greet(std::string msg)
   return msg;

JLCXX_MODULE define_julia_module(jlcxx::Module& mod)
  // mod.method("<Julia 側から見た関数名>", &<C++ 側の関数>);
  // & は C++ における参照渡しの文法を使うための記号.
  mod.method("greet", &greet);


# の一部改変
SHARED_LIB_EXT=".so" # Linux
SHARED_LIB_EXT=".dylib" # Apple
# Get Julia installation paths
rm Manifest.toml
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
JL=`julia --project -e 'joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "..") |> abspath |> print'`
PREFIX=`julia --project -e 'using CxxWrap; CxxWrap.prefix_path() |> print'`

# Build shared library with appropriate extension
g++ -fPIC -shared -std=c++17 \
  -I${PREFIX}/include/ \
  -L${PREFIX}/lib/ \
  -I${JL}/include/julia \
  -L${JL}/lib \
  -ljulia -lcxxwrap_julia hello.cpp -o libhello${SHARED_LIB_EXT}

About Compile Options

  • Specify the path to the header files with -I
    • To obtain function declarations
    • To use julia.h, jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp
  • Specify the path to the libraries with -L
    • To obtain function definitions
    • To link with libjulia, libcxxwrap_julia

Artifacts Generated by bash

  • libhello<extension> is generated.
  • .so, .dylib, .dll, etc. This shared library is loaded at runtime from the Julia side

Using from the Julia Side

# Load the module and generate the functions
module CppHello
using Libdl: dlext

using CxxWrap
@wrapmodule(() -> joinpath(".", "libhello.$(dlext)"))

# この時点で `greet` という Julia としての関数が定義されている

function __init__()
    # この呪文を忘れると実行時に Segmentation fault が生じる

end # module

Testing the Julia Package

  • A function called greet is defined within the CppHello module
  • Test as follows
using Test

@testset "greet" begin
    # Call greet and show the result
    @test CppHello.greet("Hello World") == "Hello World"

Improving the Workflow

  • Prepare the C++ code
  • Prepare the code to connect C++ and Julia
  • Build (this is the hardest part)
  • Set up on the Julia side
  • Test
  • Let everyone use it

Building (this is the hardest part)

  • Repeated for emphasis

  • When wrapping a practical example (a large-scale C++ project), you will need to get along with CMake (a build management tool for source code).

    • Things like CMakeLists.txt, cmake ... You’ve seen them, right? That’s it.
    • Check out cmake-playground/cxxwrap2


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
# とりあえず書いておく
get_target_property(JlCxx_location JlCxx::cxxwrap_julia LOCATION)
get_filename_component(JlCxx_location ${JlCxx_location} DIRECTORY)

# 皆さんが触る箇所はここ
# hello という共有ライブラリを作るためのターゲットを定義
add_library(hello SHARED hello.cpp)

message(STATUS "Found JlCxx at ${JlCxx_location}")

# hello というターゲットは何に依存しているか(リンクすべきか)を記述
target_link_libraries(hello JlCxx::cxxwrap_julia)

Benefits of Using CMake

  • In the cxxwrap1 example, it was necessary to specify directories to include jlcxx/jlcxx.hpp, julia.h
    • Needed to know the location of julia.h to compile hello.cpp
  • In this case, such information can be delegated to JlCxx::cxxwrap_julia. Refer to here


  • You can build using the cmake command.
  • You can obtain information about the C++ package JlCxx using find_package(JlCxx).
    • Where is it? Specify with CXXWRAP_PREFIX.
    • How to inform cmake of this information?
      • Specify with the -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option.
      • Or define it as an environment variable like export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=....
# Get Julia installation paths
CXXWRAP_PREFIX=`julia --project -e 'using CxxWrap; CxxWrap.prefix_path() |> print'`
cmake --build ./build --config Release -j `nproc`
  • ./build/libhello<extension> will be created.
  • On the Julia side, you just need to modify it to specify that path.

Workflow Improvement

In cmake-playground/cxxwrap4, the standard directory structure of Julia is adopted.

  • Place scripts and source code for building Julia packages in the ./deps directory.
$ tree cmake-playground/cxxwrap4
├── Project.toml
├── deps
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── build.jl
│   ├──
│   └── src
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       └── hello.cpp
├── src
│   └── MyCxxWrap4.jl
└── test
    └── runtests.jl

Building Julia Packages

  • You can build Julia packages with julia> using Pkg;
  • executes the Julia script deps/build.jl.

For example, in cmake-playground/cxxwrap4, it is done as follows:

# build.jl

Workflow Improvement

  • Prepare C++ code.
  • Prepare code to connect C++ and Julia.
  • Build (cmake).
  • Set up on the Julia side (in ./deps).
  • Test.
  • Make it available to everyone (<– How to do this?)

Providing Pre-built Libraries

For those who are only interested in the Julia interface, building locally can be tough (high learning cost for setting up the environment). Using BinaryBuilder.jl, you can provide pre-built JLL packages (a pun on “Dynamic-Link Library”, with the J standing for Julia) like LibHello_jll.

Although not maintained, the concept is still relevant (probably).

Example of a Wrapper

  • How to handle the part “Prepare code to connect C++ and Julia”.

  • In the context of numerical computation, it would be good if you can write a program that passes arrays and returns arrays, but there are few examples to try easily…

  • Therefore, cmake-playground/cxxwrap6.

  • Created an example that performs operations on arrays (1D, 2D arrays) with elements double(C++), Float64(Julia).

  • Someone please teach me how to wrap functions using templates.

Example of Passing and Overwriting Julia Arrays

Example of Doubling Elements

void inplace_twice(jlcxx::ArrayRef<double, 2> jlx) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < jlx.size(); i++) {
    jlx[i] = 2 * jlx[i];

Calling the corresponding Julia function doubles each element of the two-dimensional array.

Returning an Array

Refer to Const arrays in the of CxxWrap.jl

const double* const_vector()
  // static キーワードが重要
  static double d[] = {1., 2., 3};
  return d;

const double* const_matrix()
  // static キーワードが重要
  static double d[2][3] = {{1., 2., 3}, {4., 5., 6.}};
  return &d[0][0];

// ...module definition skipped...

mymodule.method("const_vector", []() { return jlcxx::make_const_array(const_vector(), 3); });
mymodule.method("const_matrix", []() { return jlcxx::make_const_array(const_matrix(), 3, 2); });

In the above example, it seems to handle only fixed-length and fixed-size arrays?

Want to return a dynamic size?

// これは実行時にセグフォする. 辛い
mymodule.method("array", [] () {
    jlcxx::Array<int> data{ };

    return data;
  • std::vector can be returned. On the Julia side, it can be obtained as an instance of CxxWrap.StdVector, a subtype of AbstractVector.
// これはできてる
std::vector<double> create_stdvec(int N){
  std::vector<double> v;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++){
  return v;

Example: Function to Triple Elements

  • For matrices, it worked by declaring static Eigen::MatrixXd y; and storing values in y.
#include <Eigen/Dense>

// 要素を 3 倍にする
auto triple(jlcxx::ArrayRef<double, 2> jlx) {
  size_t size0 = jl_array_dim(jlx.m_array, 0);
  size_t size1 = jl_array_dim(jlx.m_array, 1);
  // static キーワードをつけなければいけない
  static Eigen::MatrixXd y;
  auto x = Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>(, size0, size1);
  // Do something
  y = 2 * x + x;
  return jlcxx::make_julia_array(, size0, size1);

Example: Function to Triple Elements

  • It can accept x::Matrix{Float64} with different sizes as input.
using MyCxxWrap6
x = rand(5, 5)
v = triple(x)
@assert v == 3x
x = rand(10, 10)
v = triple(x)
@assert v == 3x

Supplement to the Previous Page

  • The previous page depends on Eigen. However, it is convenient in many ways.
  • There is no problem wrapping libraries that use Eigen.
  • Eigen’s memory layout is column-major, so
auto x = Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>(, size0, size1);

allows smooth transfer of numerical data held by Julia’s jlx to the C++ side.

In the case of the Const Arrays example, it is understood as a 3x2 matrix on the Julia side.

const double* const_matrix()
  // static キーワードが重要
  static double d[2][3] = {{1., 2., 3}, {4., 5., 6.}};
  return &d[0][0];

Supplement to the Previous Page

If you don’t loop the column variable c first, you won’t get intuitive results.

void f(jlcxx::ArrayRef<double, 2> jlx) {
  size_t size0 = jl_array_dim(jlx.m_array, 0);
  size_t size1 = jl_array_dim(jlx.m_array, 1);

  std::cout << "[";
  for(size_t r = 0; r < size0; r++){
    for(size_t c = 0; c < size1; c++){
      std::cout << jlx[r + size0 * c];
      if (c == size1 - 1){
        if (r != size0 - 1){
          std::cout << "; ";
      } else {
        std::cout << " ";
   std::cout << "]";
   std::cout << std::endl;

Want to Return C++ Types as They Are

The previous examples are convenient but cannot handle functions that return C++ classes.

// この機能を持つ C++ 関数を Julia 側から利用したい
Eigen::MatrixXd example1(Eigen::MatrixXd x){
  return 3 * x;

You can do it using mod.add_type.


The following can be executed as Julia code:

using EasyEigenInterface
x = rand(3,3)
m = MatrixXd(x)
@assert EasyEigenInterface.example1(m) == 3x
  • The wrapper is created here: EasyEigenInterface.jl/deps/src/jl_easy_eigen_interface.cpp

  • It’s good that it was created, but I don’t know how to utilize the MatrixXd type associated with EasyEigenInterface.jl in other Julia libraries…

    • It doesn’t work like CxxWrap.StdVector
    • I think I should read the code of StdVector in CxxWrap.jl, but I don’t have the time.
  • It remains as a “super-strong self-made implementation.”

It’s Getting Tough

  • If you only want to use specific features, a human can look at the header files and write them.
    • However, it doesn’t scale. I can’t automate it due to my lack of skills.
  • How is OpenCV.jl doing it…?


It hasn’t been fully tested yet, but it seems that the C++ implementation of high-energy physics called Geant4 automatically generates wrapper functions.

It seems amazing but I don’t really understand it (small impression) I didn’t have time, so I hope someone writes an explanation.


  • I wrote about how to use C++ Julia CxxWrap.jl


Various other things I’ve made (try them if you have time!)

    • A C++ implementation of RandomLogos.jl that can be used from Julia C++
    • It became about twice as fast as Julia
    • A wrapper for some data of Eigen. My own implementation
    • Example of C-API
    • Setup of jluna with Docker
    • Introduction of the procedure to install C++ Jupyter kernel (ecosystem to handle C++ in Jupyter)

For those who are not interested in C++ but are interested in C

Congratulations. You don’t need to read this slide at all. Let’s use Clang.jl.

Example of creating bindings using Clang.jl

Forked from libqrean -

For those interested in Go (programming language)

go build -buildmode=c-shared -o

will create export.h. Could make something nice combined with Clang.jl?


Useful resources on the web about C++

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